Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Naturesbio Organic Premium Ingredients


NATURES BIO ORGANIC FERTILIZER is all natural that it has undergone all natural processing and fermentation. And to top all that, it has ALL NATURAL premium ingredients.

Naturesbio Organic Premium Ingredients

1. Natures Beneficial Microorganism
  • Increase Nitrogen Fixation, Mineralization and Humus Formation
  • Enhance Breakdown Of Organic Matter and Fast Decomposition
  • Kills Antibiotics and Bioactive compound
2. Fish Emulsion from Fresh Fish Extract
  • A Tremendous Source Of Nutrition and contains Substantial Amount of Proteins
  • Balance Nitrogen Provision and Full Spectrum fertility
  • All 18 Nutrients Necessary for the plant growth
3. Fresh Tropical Seaweeds Extract
  • Loaded With Beneficial Micronutrients
  • Contains Plant Growth Hormones (Auxins, Cytokinins, and Giberillins)
  • With Natural Sticker from Carageenan and Alginates
  • Helps To Protect Plants In Times Of Low Rainfall
  • Permits Roots To Access Low Water Levels, Increases Water Retention
  • Helps To Protect Plants In Times Of Low Rainfall
  • Speeds Up Germination, Increases % Success Of Germination, Speeds Up Growth
  • Reduces Nutrient Leaching, Improves Soil Fertility
  • Protects Plants From Stress – Wind & Rain
4. Vermicast Extract
  • Source Of Essential Nitrogeng
  • Essential Phosphates, Potassium& Sulfates
  • Assists In Soil Regeneration
5. Glucose - Raw Molasses
  • Quick source of Energy for Microbes
  • Significant Source of Potash and sulfur
  • Ability to Work as a Chelating Agent
  • Converter of Some Natural Nutrients
  • Natural & Organic Source of Micronutrients
  • Supplying Nutrients for the Soil and the Plants through Root System

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